

Tax Alerts

Welcome to Mendlowitz Janelle Simone LLP, a firm of chartered professional accountants and trusted business advisors.

Our mission is to provide exceptional client service, to help clients achieve their goals and to maintain a high level of professionalism that is backed by integrity, objectivity, independence and sound professional advice.

The firm’s strength is built upon our ability to use our collective knowledge and our ability to share that knowledge and experience. This can only be achieved by understanding our culture, which is based on teamwork, mutual accountability and respect. Our firm’s leadership is required to consistently challenge the status quo, display courage, vision, integrity, and most of all to address the various needs of our clients.

Everyone at MJS embraces teamwork. Teamwork requires understanding, respect, sharing of time and knowledge by everyone involved. Our culture must include ethical conduct. This is the core of the business. We do business with people we trust. We get business from people who trust us. There are no exceptions when it comes to ethical conduct within our organization.